15 giugno 2006

Shame on Indonesia!

Abu Bakar Bashir, leader of the Majelis Mujahedin Indonesia, spiritual leader of the extremist group Jemaah Islamiah, a man linked with many terrorist attacks against Christian churches, Buddhist monuments and the terrible 2002 Bali bombing where 200 people most of them Austalians died, has been freed after serving only 24 months of his sentence.
As soon as he bustled to freedom through the gates of Jakarta's Cipinang Prison he said: "I ask all Muslims to unite behind the Islamic goal and strengthen the Islamic brotherhood and work to establish sharia law".
After that he drove back to Central Java to resume his jihadist teachings in his infamous Ngruki boarding school which had been attended by many of Indonesia's convicted terrorists.
Well done Indonesia. Now we have another lunatic living martyr on the loose.
The release of this murderer is an insult to all those innocents who perished in the Bali bombing, and all those who want to live in peace with each other, whatever their race, nation, colour or religion.
The world does not need another fanatic to spread messages of intollerance and hatred.

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