18 maggio 2012

Facebook Inc. (ulata)

Ma come si fa a fissare a US$ 38.00, un'azienda che non produce assolutamente niente?
1 miliardo di dollari di profitti, e valutata a 104 miliardi di dollari?
Ci sono piu' o meno 900 milioni di utenti. Questo vuol dire che ogni utente genera 110 dollari di entrate?
Poi la societa' rimarra' di fatto privata, visto che Zuckerberg continuera' a mantenere il 57% delle quote con diritto di voto.
Ma la vera domanda che tutti dovrebbero chiedersi e':  Perche' un IPO adesso?
Something is not right here...

Even before the stock went on the market, most experts agreed that Facebook was overvalued: As ABC News recently reported, in a survey of 124 portfolio managers and analysts, only 8% said that the stock's value would increase over the next six months. At the heart of the stellar valuation lie questions about Facebook's actual ability to make money, an issue that was brought into sharp focus earlier this week when General Motors announced plans to withdraw its $10 million advertising buy from the site. While badly timed for the Facebook crew, this decision wasn't that surprising. As numerous experts -- including our own -- have noted, the click-through rate on Facebook ads averages a dismal 0.051%, or roughly one click per 2,000 viewers. In other words, as dozens of other websites have already discovered, customers respond poorly to online advertising, and prefer to shop via sites they find on their own. 

Is It Really Worth $104 Billion?

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